[focus background=”#af0917″ gradient=”” color=”dark” style=”normal” ]Success! Learn about our campaign to make August 1st Emancipation Day.[/focus]

[focus background=”#004578″ gradient=”” color=”dark” style=”normal” ]Read our statement on Racism and Equality in The Commonwealth.

[focus background=”#006f25″ gradient=”” color=”dark” style=”normal” ]Learn about The Commonwealth’s role in Reconciliation[/focus]

[focus background=”#e08925″ gradient=”” color=”dark” style=”normal” ]Learn more about the National Student Commonwealth Forum and other model CHOGMs nationwide.[/focus]

The Royal Commonwealth Society of Canada (RCS) is a non-partisan society, independent of governments and supported solely by public generosity. The RCS engages with its youth, civil society, business and government networks to address issues that matter to the Citizens of the Commonwealth. Its primary focus is to the promotion of young people throughout the Commonwealth.


211 Bronson Centre, Room 102B
Ottawa, Ontario  K1R 6H5  Canada